Obit: P. K. Raghavasimham

P. K. Raghavasimham, a long-time resident of Mylapore passed away on Nov.16. He was 66.

He was a Sanskrit scholar who was also well-versed in Tamil, English and Hindi, says a family member.

After retiring from UCO Bank as senior manager in 1998, he founded “The Sri Vishnuchithasri Trust” to promote books in Tamil on Sri Vaishnava Sampradaya.

He has authored several books, all written in lucid style.

His first work was on Sri Vishnu Sahasaranama Stotram, published in November 2006.

He is survived by his wife R. Vijayalakshmi, daughter P. R. Rama and son P. R. Hari.

The family can be reached at 18,Venkatesa Agraharam, Mylapore. Ph: 4265 8989 / 93810 30130.


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One Comment on “Obit: P. K. Raghavasimham”

  1. It is sad to note passing away of sri.Ragahasimham at 66 years. If he would have alive he could have contributed to much to promote trust. I happened to be retitred officer of Ucobank.My respects to departed soul and his bereaved family. V.Suri

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