Audiobook on Mahema and Manohar Devadoss

Charkha Audiobooks and Madras Book Club is launching an audiobook ‘A Quiet Courage’.  The launch will be held on August 7 at 6 p.m. at C. P. Ramaswamy hall, Eldams Road.

There will be an audio – visual presentation, excerpts from the audiobook and a piano recital by Anil Srinivasan after the launch. This audiobook is narrated by a well known artiste and has back ground music. It also has actors conversing with the author. It is priced at Rs.295.

This is released by Charkha Audiobooks, an imprint of Karadi Tales Company Pvt. Ltd. that sells picture books, video books and audio books.

This audiobook is based on the lives of Mahema and Manohar Devadoss and is the first title in the series ‘Ordinary people, extraordinary lives’.

Manohar Devadoss is a partially visually impaired artist and author. He has written 6 famous books, one of them is on Madurai. His wife, Mahema passed away in 2008. She supported him inspite of became a quadriplegic following a massive car accident. Manohar is a resident of Papanasasivam Salai (Palace Road), San Thome.



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