Join the Community Coverage of the Panguni Fest at Sri Kapali Temple

Mylapore Times cover the Panguni Fest  closely every year. In 2012, the Fest is from March 28 and April 6.

We wish to invite bloggers, photographers, illustrators, tech – savvy aides to help us create the community which will cover the Fest closely, online.

Plans are on now. Want to be part of this? Mail a 4 – line note on yourself and what you’d like to do at the Fest. Mail to –

The following are the important highlights of the event.

March 28 : Flag hoisting
March 30: Adhikaara Nandi procession
April 1: Rishaba Vahanam procession
April 3: Ther procession
April 4: Aarabathumoovar procession
April 6: Thiru Kalyanam

For more details contact the temple office at 2464 1670.

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