Sale of lamps

An exclusive exhibition of lamps from Tamil Nadu is on at C. P. Art Centre, Eldams Road, Alwarpet.

It is organised by Poompuhar of The Tamilnadu Handicrafts Development Corporation Limited  and it showcases what must be the widest variety of traditional lamps in this part of the country. On display are brass lamps made at Nachiarkoil, Madurai and Vagaikulam. The range starts from Eka Jothi (single spout) to a lamp with 108 spouts lamp.

Sheela Rani Chukanth, CMD of TN Handicrafts chose the designs of lamps that are unique to temples and got the craftspeople to design similar ones to put them on sale. The lamps are priced from Rs.150 to Rs.3.50 lakhs.

Terracotta lamps, stone lamps and candle lamps are also on display.

The exhibition is on till Nov.27 and is open between 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on all days.

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