Relic of saint John Dosco to be displayed in San Thome

The relic of saint John Bosco is being taken around the world in view of his bi-centenary celebration in 2015. The relic that consists of the right hand of the saint will also be brought to this city and displayed in San Thome.

It will be kept for public veneration at the campus of St. Bede’s A. I. Hr. Sec. School, San Thome from Oct. 31 to Nov 1.

John Bosco was born in 1815.  He was an Italian Catholic priest, educator and writer of the 19th century. He dedicated his life to street children and juveniles delinquents. He was the founder of the Society of St. Francis de Sales commonly know as Don Bosco. The Salesians are spread throughout the world and are active in this city. St. Bede’s School is run by the Salesians.

Special programmes and prayer services are being organised for this purpose, says Fr. Gregory Devarajan, principal of the school.

The programme will begin at 5.30 pm on Oct.31 with skits, songs and dance on the life of Don Bosco. The relic will be brought in a trolley that evening.  It will be kept on the stage for public view. There will be special night vigil and prayer services, he says.

Early on Nov. 1 the relic will be taken in a procession to the National Shrine of St. Thomas for Holy Mass. It will be brought back to the school after that and the public will be allowed to pay homage to the relic till 10 a.m. It will leave to its next destination on that day, Fr. Gregory says.

Everybody is invited to take part in this event.

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