Annual day of bharathanatyam school

The 44th annual day Bharathanatyam performances of Sri Shanmughanandha Bharathanatya Palli, Mylapore was held on October 15 at T N Rajarathinam Pillai auditorium (Muththamiz Peravai), R.A. Puram.

The dance school is being managed by Mallika Hemnath. About 50 students in various levels performed on the day.

Students Shruthi, Isha and Pavithra had their Salangai Poojai on the occasions.

Student Dravida Mani (4 years) and Mahalakshmi (5 years) gave their first performing on stage.

The chief guest on the occasion was Sivan Srinivasan.

For more details contact the school at 24640923

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One Comment on “Annual day of bharathanatyam school”

  1. Student Dravida Mani (4 years) and Mahalakshmi (5 years) are the tiniest tots who gave their first performance on stage along with 20 other beginners

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