Mylapore schools tops contest

The students of Mylapore schools were the winners of the painting and poster designs that were organised by C. P. R. Environmental Education Centre under the titled ‘Kompasasionate Kids’.

The winners were awarded on April 8 at the CPREEC Convention Centre.

The awards were given by Dr. S. Chinny Krishna, Vice Chairman, Animal Welfare Board of India. He is also the member of the Board of Governors, C. P. R. Environment Educational Centre.

Seen in the picture are (L- R) Sunanda Vasudevan (P.S. School), V. Rajalakshmi (P.S. School), B. Bharathy (Sir Sivaswami Kalalaya S. S. School) and P. S. Nandini (Sir Sivaswami Kalalaya S. S. School).

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