Computerised payment facilities to collect property tax

Chennai Corporation has launched ‘computerised payment facilities’ to collect property tax at all its division offices.

Mayor M. Subramanian had launched this on September 15.

This means, you can walk across from home and pay your tax if you do not use the IVRS or online payment options that are also offered.

A computerised facility has been set at all the divisional officer for this purpose.

Zone 10, Assistant Commissioner, M. Krishnamurthi says that this is an alternate way to pay property tax.

The tax can either be paid in cheque or DD (Demand Draft) at these facilities and a receipt can be obtained, he says.

The facility will be open on all days from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., except on Mondays.

Property tax is also being collected at all the 10 Zonal offices in the city.

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