Pelathope Urban Living Lab: launch on March 21. Focus on recording oral histories, collecting photos and documents

The Pelathope Urban Living Lab – Open House is an initiative by SKDO in collaboration with PLUS, Curating for Culture, UCAN and Cultural Heritage Narratives, for a unique opportunity to showcase the rich history and cultural heritage of Mylapore.
This Open House is a starting point for setting up a participatory community design initiative focused on a broad-based and participatory planning vision for Mylapore, says Shreya Krishnan, Principal Architect & Founder of Shreya Krishnan Design Office [SKDO] , who has launched this project.
At this Open House,  two initiatives are to be launched: The Pelathope Community Archives and The Mylapore 15-Minute Cultural Neighborhood Map.

The Pelathope Community Archive consists of oral histories from previously unrecorded or forgotten narrators, archival photographs, and documents highlighting the history of Pelathope and Mylapore, organised around thematic areas of culture, community, infrastructure/planning, and ecology.

The Mylapore 15-Minute Cultural Neighbourhood Map is a crowd-sourced document that seeks to highlight the unique cultural heritage of the neighbourhood. This serves as a starting point for creating a broad-based and inclusive (re)development framework that leverages the cultural and heritage assets of Mylapore.

Highlights of the event include:
– Guided Walkthroughs – explore a restored heritage row house and its transformation.
– Archival Showcase – Discover historical records, photographs, and oral histories and learn how we plan to build upon this
– Community Conversations – Engage with architects, historians, and residents about the past, present, and future of Mylapore.
– Neighbourhood Visioning – Participate in the first step to shaping a 15-minute cultural vision for Mylapore.

The Open House : Dates & Timings

21st March (5 – 8 p.m.)
22nd March (9 a.m.– 6 p.m.)
23rd March (9 a.m. – 6 p.m.)

Location: No. 11, Pelathope, Vedanta Desikar Swami Street, Mylapore.

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