History professor releases book on histories of ‘saint Lazarus Church’ and its festival in R. A. Puram

The histories of Our Lady of Guidance Church, commonly called saint Lazarus Church, of the people who were the early settlers here and attended the church and of religious practices followed run deep.

Evidence of the deep connect shows up in the annual celebration of the feast of saint Lazarus that is held every January-February. A time when where traces of generational religio-socio practices show up.

Now, a book titled ‘The Antiquity of the Feast and Church of Lazarus’ has been published, written by Dr. Cinthia Jude,  assistant professor at the department of history, Stella Maris College and a longtime resident of the church neighbourhood.

Cinthia says her book traces Christianity and Catholicism in these parts, details the endeavours of missionaries and leads on to the foundation of what came to be popularly called saint Lazarus Church.

She also focuses on the early patrons of this church, of what she says are ‘the intriguing origins of the saint Lazarus feast and of the car festival associated wit it.

The evolution and transformation of the church through time are examined alongside the diverse socio-religious activities it hosts.

“I worked for over20 years for my research on various sides of the story,” said Cinthia.

The book was released during the recently-held saint Lazarus feast at the church.