A day when students showcase the art, craft and handwork they have created through the year.

The annual Crafts Show at Sir Sivaswami Kalalaya Senior Sec. School in Mylapore is something that most students here look forward to.’ This is because their best works created during their weekly art / craft class are exhibited at this show.

The annual show was held last week on campus.

At this school, students in Classes 6 to 10 sit for art / craft classes through the year, learning the fine skills of drawing, painting and craft work.

All that they produce creatively is showcased on one day – Crafts Day.

Over 250-plus works were on show – paintings, drawings, needle and handwork, crochet, works on coconut shells and wood and all else.

It was a day when the students had the opportunity to take a look at all that their colleagues had created in the classroom.

Parents of the students were also invited to the show.

Kumar, who with Vel Murugan, are the art and craft teachers at this school said that the children are very creative and once they are taught the basics, they are allowed to express themselves.

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