Classical dancer and teacher Padma S. Raghavan brings a different touch to the margazhi mood on Mylapore’s inner streets. She marries music and verses to dance.
On the first morning of the new year, Padma and her dance students were at the gates of Sri Vedantha Desikar Temple, south of the Chitrakulam, to start a procession that has been a regular feature for some years now.
Leading the procession was well-known katha kalakshepam artiste, Sasirekha Balasubramanian.
Between the recitation of pasurams and musical narration by Sasirekha, the dancers performed kol-attam on the street at stops on this procession that began around 7 a.m.
Residents and temple-goers paused to appreciate the effort of margazhi, so different from the half a dozen bhajan groups who go aroiund the mada veedhis off Sri Kapali Temple every margazhi morning, starting 5 a.m.