Obituary; Sumathi Sriram, first student of Dhananjayans, Bharatanatyam gurus

Sumathi Sriram, a long-time resident of R A Puram passed away on December 9.

Born in 1961, Sumathi was the first and a most beloved student of Bharata Kalanjali, the dance school of the famed Dhananjayans.

Her love for the arts didn’t stop with learning dance alone. Sumathi was an ardent enthusiast of classical music and dance across Chennai. Every margazhi, she would have a fully packed schedule of kutcheri-hopping, treating other rasikas to her beaming smile and friendly hellos.

She actively attended the South India Heritage programs at TAG, music and dance concerts at The Music Academy, Madras, at Raga Sudha hall and the programmes of Natyarangam.

Sumathi leaves behind family and friends that cherished her beyond measure, and consider themselves lucky to have had such a kind soul in their lives, said her close friend.
