Narada Gana Sabha’s fest launches today. 150 programmes – music, dance, drama, discourses

The December Season music and dance festival of Narada Gana Sabha is to be launched this Friday evening ( at 6 p.m.), with former Supreme Court judge, V Ramasubramanian, the chief guest.

A number of artistes will be decorated with titles and awards – among them are dancer-guru Chitra Visweswaran, percussionist Mannargudi Easwaran and nagaswaram vidwan Mannrkudi M R Vasudevan.

The evening of awards leads to the first grand concert – by violin vidushi A. Kanyakumari.

The special programmes this year include Ranjani Gayathri’s exclusive evening concert on Dec.25 titled RaGa Bharatham,

Umayalpuram Sivaraman, Sikkil Gurucharan and Parshwanath Upadhyay come together in a unique confluence of mridangam and Bharathanatyam on Dec 22.

The Christmas day morning ( Dec.25) morning concert is by violin vidwan M Chandrashekaran; held to commemorate his 75 years as a performing musician.

On Dec.28, violin vidwan V V Subramaniam and his sishyas will be in concert -to celebrate the master violinist’s 80 years.

The early and late evening concerts at the main hall are ticketed. Daily and season tickets available. Online at