Air show: rehearsal draws big crowd. Show on Oct.6 starts at 11 am. Best point to watch – opp. Vivekananda Illam

The rehearsals by Indian Air Force pilots for the air show on Oct.6 in the skies above the Marina are attracting a big crowd. The show starts at 11 am that day.
On Oct.2, being a holiday, there were hundreds on the beach to watch the copters and fughter jets rehearse for the big day.
The best point to be on Oct 6 is on the beach opposite Vivekananda Ilam.  The show is open to all and people can choose their vantage points to watch the jets roar and toss and spin.   Points near the Light House will not provide a good view of the theatrics.
Traffic Police have issued an advisory that people avoid driving to the venue and take public transport.
The show marks the 92nd anniversary of IAF.

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