This church community brought articles, auctioned them to raise funds for projects

CSI Church of the Good Shepherd in  Mylapore held its annual Thanksgiving Festival on September 8.

The day began with the Thanksgiving service in the church.

Members of the church put up stalls in the church campus to sell homemade eatables and handmade products.

Each family was asked to contribute one article and take one article home at the auction. Members brought in sarees, clothes, kitchen utensils, household items and fruits. These articles were auctioned.
A number of food stalls were put up by fellowship groups and families.
The proceeds of the auction as well as the  proceeds from the sales from the stalls will be used for charity work and for maintenance of the church.
The entire event was organised by the church pastor Rev Enose Magimaidas and the pastorate committee members led by secretary K.Sudhakar Immanuel and treasurer E.Sughirson.
– By Juliana Sridhar

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