Prakash Narayanan’s yoga centre in MRC Nagar offers classes for children, adults and elderly

“Tapas” Vinyasa Yoga Shala was inaugurated in MRC Nagar by the tennis legend Ramanathan Krishnan, with Dr. M. Balasubramaniam and yoga gurus Sreemathy and Ravi Swamy as chief guests.

Founded by Prakash Narayanan, who is trained in the tradition of T. Krishnamacharya, the yoga shala  offers classes for children, adults and the elderly, focusing on integrating mind, body, and breath.

Each class is tailored to individual needs, promoting balance and inner peace, says Prakash.

Prakash Narayanan, after a decade in the corporate world, embraced his true passion—yoga.

Trained under the lineage of yoga guru T. Krishnamacharya, he has dedicated over 8 years to
teaching yoga, guiding individuals towards physical and mental well-being.

He says he has conducted classes in corporate houses, yoga centres and has also had individual sessions.

Contact: “Krish”, No: 5, Janaki Avenue, MRC Nagar.  98414 19481

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