Shop for coffee and tea powders opens on East Mada Street

Coffee shops continue to pop up in the Mylapore zone. A new one has opened recently on East Mada Street, with some fanfare and buzz.
It is called Mirras and is part of a chain. The Mirras group has been in the coffee business for a century and its retail chain sells coffee powders, which is the core business.
Plantation B coffee powder is quoted at Rs.176 for 250 gms and premium Assam tea at Rs.165 for 250 gms. ( prices noted 2 weeks ago)
Besides fresh coffee to drink here, this shop also offers tea and its own brand of ice creams. Coffee is served 6 a.m; onwards that this shop which is at the junction of Pitchu Pillai Street.
Sundar Subramaniam heads the coffee business arm of the group and he says Mirras has many outlets across Tamilnadu and in airports.
A cup of coffee / tea costs twenty rupees.  The Mirras shop is at No.26 , East Mada Street , Mylapore .

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