Obituary: R. Ponnammal, decorated writer of books for children, on spirituality, religion

R. Ponnammal, a decorated writer of books for children and on spiritual themes, passed away recently. She was 87.  She had lived in Mylapore for over five decades.

Ponnammal (born May 21, 1937 in Tiruvallikeni) was educated only upto Std.8 but since she was a keen and voracious reader of Thamizh magazines and books, the habit introduced her to literature and language.

Soon, her friends who often listened to her stories, encouraged her to write and send these stories to magazines: these got published off and on.

Her writing took a long break when she got married and had children. In 1976, she reignited her passion and submitted her story for a short story competition organised by the Tamil Nadu Children’s Writers Association in association with Dinamani weekly; it won a prize.

Then on, Ponnammal wrote steadily, mostly for children and for spiritual/religious theme magazines. Some of her writings were on women, their lives and issues.

Her first book, ‘Kadavulin Karunai’, was a volume of children’s short stories published by Palaniappa Brothers. Her best book is considered to be ‘Panduranga Makhimai’ which is over one thousand pages and has been published by Giri Trading Company.

She has written over 200 books – including books  on astrology, temple-circuit travelogues and contemporary interpretations for classical poetry anthologies like 4000 Divya Pasurams and 12 Thirumuraigal.

She was decorated with many awards including Tamil Nadu Government’s Child Writer Award.

She is survived by two sons and their families. Contact address – 12, Kesavaperumal East Street, Mylapore. Phone: 24951854

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