Obit: S. K. Raja, Madras MBS Choir member, car rallyist and social worker

Alwarpet resident S. K. Raja passed away on July 14. He was 75 years old.

Raja was a core member of the famed Madras MBS Choir. His family said he was practicing with his fellow bass singers of the choir the previous night for the next concert and passed away in his sleep.

He joined the Choir in 2007 and sang bass. His fellow artistes, in a tribute said – Raja cared deeply for the future of the choir and was a key part of the core team that worked on the choir’s trip to Washington in 2017 for the Serenade festival.

Raja schooled at Don Bosco in Mumbai and did his B.E. studies at Alagappa College of Engineering, Karaikudi.

He went on to complete a MBA course at Jamnalal Bajaj Institute, Bombay.

He worked for Indian Petrochemicals ( IPCL) in Baroda and in Bombay and then, for EID Parry, Chennai. 

.Raja had wide-ranging interests – he took part in car rallies in different parts of the globe, loved karaoke singing and was involved in social work.  

His wife is Carnatic music artiste, Geetha Raja. His sister is Carnatic music artiste Aruna Sairam.

The family resides in Palaniswamy Apartments, Alwarpet. Contact – 9380693939

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