Chettinad Vidyashram hosts 8th edition of annual debate contest for city schools

Chettinad Vidyashram hosted the 8th edition of its debating competition called Ampersand at its campus in R. A. Puram on June 27 and 28. 20 school teams took part.

School principal, Dr. Amudha Lakshmi opened the event. The chief guest was Nallini Ollivannan, founder of Emerald Publications.

There were five team and a few individual events covering Parliamentary Debate, Stance Drafting, Split Personality, Press Journalism and Photo-Journalism.

The finale was a riveting debate adjudicated by Vaisali Sridharbabu, vice president of Natwest Group. Winners of each debate were given cash prizes and certificates.

Jahanvi Ravi was the head of the organizing committee of this debate event on campus.

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