Why was Nageswara Rao Park closed?

Daily users of Nageswara Rao Park in Luz were surprised on Friday morning to see the main and rear gates closed and small notices saying that park was closed for maintenance.

There were also a few policemen posted at the two gates.

Inside, in the kids area, a banner and stage indicated that somebody had planned a yoga event to mark Yoga Day.

Policemen said this event did not get official permission.

But regular walkers at the park ask: why shut down the park if the ‘yoga event issue’ was the reason ? Why the sudden closure notice?

3 Comments on “Why was Nageswara Rao Park closed?”

  1. Even Saturday we were asked to vacate the place . I agree maintenance is happening in one corner but why close it ? Evenings daily it’s closed at 7.45 pm. Funny administrators.

  2. Is this the Govt’s way of promoting yoga or discouraging its practice when it is being followed all over the globe for better health? It’s a case of cutting off the nose to spite the face.

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