Complaint of transgenders forcing shoppers in Sannidhi Street zone to pay money

A family which was out shopping in the Sannidhi Street zone off Sri Kapali Temple, Mylapore recently complained that transgenders surrounded them, demanded a large sum of money and let them go only after the sum was paid.
K. Sridhar of Virugambakkam mailed Mylapore Times to say that on June 12, around 12 noon, his son and daughter had visited Radha Silk Emporium (Rasi Silks) Mylapore to shop and that while coming out of the shop, they were blocked by two transgenders, who asked for money.
‘When my son offered Rs.20, they did not accept it. Instead, they demanded Rs.1500 . They insisted on being paid via GPay and applied much pressure which embarrassed my family,’ Sridhar said in his e-mail.
The transgenders finally settled for Rs.500, says Sridhar. He adds that local hawkers said that transgenders keep coming by and seeking big sums from temple-goers and shoppers.

11 Comments on “Complaint of transgenders forcing shoppers in Sannidhi Street zone to pay money”

  1. This happened to me two years back. I was coming out from the temple towards Rasi and this transgender person came in front of me, and blocked my way with both hands. I was afraid and I called out to my husband, who was a few steps ahead of me. When he came to me, I just caught his hand and we walked off. I could hear the TG person saying loudly, She was calling Jay, Jay. I was terrified because it was threatening to my personal safety and worst of all, everybody seemed to have disappeared from the streets right then. Even the security guard who usually sits outside Rasi seemed to have melted away and none of the flower vendors were paying any attention.

  2. Trangenders are there every where now…
    I was stopped by some on Desikachari road once right outside Trnity hospital and then once outside Nilgiris on CP Ramaswami road..
    They are a menace..

  3. A family “which was” shopping. Is that English correct? . We were taught that a family “who were” shopping was the right usage. I find Americanisms are creeping in where “which” and “that” are used to describe people. Is MT also succumbing?

    1. Obviously a PhD in English. However please note that the important issue is being hounded by beggars who have the additional qualification of being transgenders. Hope the authorities help.
      However I fail to see what is wrong with Americanisms. It is being mumbled worldwide by Mr. Biden himself.
      Of course I (like you) prefer to spell the word as “humour” and not ‘humor’.
      Yes I do worship the Bard of Avon.

    2. I’m happy to see the correction. Nowadays I’m reading articles which start with he or him and end up with her and she. They don’t know even gender. Thank you Dr.

    3. Lot of grammatical erros. This could have been
      A family shopping in the Sannidhi Street zone near Sri Kapali Temple, Mylapore, recently complained that they were surrounded by transgenders who demanded a large sum of money, only letting them go after the sum was paid.

      K. Sridhar of Virugambakkam emailed Mylapore Times to report that on June 12, around 12 noon, his son and daughter had visited Radha Silk Emporium (Rasi Silks) in Mylapore to shop. As they were leaving the store, they were blocked by two transgenders who asked for money.

      “When my son offered Rs. 20, they did not accept it. Instead, they demanded Rs. 1500. They insisted on being paid via GPay and applied much pressure, which embarrassed my family,” Sridhar said in his email.

      The transgenders finally settled for Rs. 500, according to Sridhar. He added that local hawkers mentioned that transgenders frequently come by, seeking large sums from temple-goers and shoppers

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