Obit: N. Soundararajan, popular professor at Tiruchi college

N. Soundararajan, 86, a resident of Saketha Apartments, Third Trust Cross Street, Mandavelipakkam, passed away recently.

He had retired as head of the department of physics at Seshasayee Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli and lived with his son N. S. Rajagopal.

He was found ‘missing’ while travelling in a train to Chennai and seemed to have got off the train in the Tiruchi zone; his family said he suffered memory loss. A search was launched for him and after days, his dead body was located in the mortuary of the Thanjavur Medical Hospital.

Soundararajan completed his post-grad studies in physics from Annamalai University, joined Seshasayee Institute of Technology as lecturer and retired as the HoD.  

 He hailed from Pudukottai.

NS, as he was fondly called, was held up in great esteem by legions of his college students. “Many of his former students attended the 13th day rituals and spoke about how his teaching and the values he practiced shaped their lives,” said Nagarajan, his son-in-law.

 Soundararajan is survived by a son and three daughters. 

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