Contractor appointed at Mundakakanni Amman Koil MRTS station campus to manage parking facilities

The Railways management has appointed a parking contractor in Mundakakanni Amman Koil MRTS railway station campus.
There are three parking lots around this station.

One is exclusively for commercial vehicles like vans and tempos located in front of the station and the other two lots are at the rear and meant for cars and two-wheelers.  The lots are secured and the contractor offers monthly season and daily tickets. Flex signages carry the details on the fees.

This faciIlty serves two purposes;  generates revenue for the Railways and also helps to regulate parking , for till now, many motorists parked on the road sides.

But businesses and people who reside closeby seem to be using this facility to park their vans / cars / bikes. Commuters ask – how must such clients be regulated so that only train commuters get to use the facility?
Mylapore Traffic Police have been alerted to the new parking facility and that they can remove cars and bikes which obstruct vehicular movement.

– Report, photo: Baskar Seshadri