Boozing in the open in Kalvi Varu St.; residents ask police to act

Residents living in apartments and houses off Kalvi Varu Street, which runs alongside the Buckingham Canal, want Mylapore police to act against people who have been consuming liquor late at night in the park and leisure area off this road.

They say that late in the night, men meet here and drink; empty liquor bottles and leftover snacks are found lying around the trees in this zone.

This place, developed by GCC when R. Nataraj was the Mylapore MLA, has a wide sidewalk and a sand pit zone fitted with children’s play equipment. It also has decent street lighting.

Said one resident who shared photos of the used liquor bottles dumped in the play zone and wanted to remain anonymous, “We have not formally complained to Mylapore police yet. One never knows how the violators can react.”

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