Krishnaswamy Avenue residents fed up with ‘outsiders’ using area as parking lots

Residents of a lane that leads from Krishnaswamy Avenue located off Luz Church Road say they are a harrased lot because ‘outsiders’ park their cars and taxis in this lane and obstruct movement of vehicles of residents.

They say that following the barricading of many areas at Luz Circle and on the main road, owners of cars and taxis who used to park freely on the main road have hijacked the space in the avenue and in the dead-end lane and treat it as parking lots.

Said Meenakshi Kannan, a resident, “Last week, we had to take my mother-in-law for a doctor’s appointment and we were forced to hire a vehicle, walk to the main road and board it.”

Retired High Court judge, Prabha Sridevan seconds Meenakshi’s complaint and says police must take action that will stop the parking by ‘outsiders’.

Since a few offices have also opened in this zone, the movement of people and their vehicles in the avenue and lane is adding to the mess.

Residents say that calls to the Traffic Police have not evoked a strong action. The police land up, shoot photos of the parked vehicles and say fines will be slapped. “But this has not addressed the core issue,” says Meenakshi.

Often, the parking of cars on both sides of the small lane further escalates the problem.

Residents say that a senior officer of Greater Chennai Police has to lead the action on this issue if they are to be saved from the mess.

One Comment on “Krishnaswamy Avenue residents fed up with ‘outsiders’ using area as parking lots”

  1. Thank to Mylapore times. Yesterday itself a traffic police man came with tow truck and removed the obstructing car and levied clamps on the unauthorised cars.

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