Sri Ramanavami events at Bhavan. April 15 – 17

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mylapore, is celebrating “Sri Ramanavami”  for three days commencing from 15th April 15 at its main auditorium, Mylapore.

On April 15, at 6.30 pm, the Malladi Brothers will be presenting a vocal concert.

On April 16, at 6.30 pm, Udalayur Kalyanarama Bhagavatar will be presenting “Sita Kalyanam”, musical discourse.

On April 17, at 5.30 pm Dr. Sudha Seshayyan speaks on “Ramarin Dharma Sindhanaigal” and at 7.00 pm, is the   vocal/ instrumental presentation by Ragav Manian.

The programmes are open to all.