Small civic win for this Luz community. Against ‘insensitive’ civil contractor

Civic minded residents of a colony in Luz won a small civic battle and got some relief from a contractor who was seen violating civic rules.

The face to face meeting with officers of Indian Bank which is rebuilding staff quarters here has yielded results.

All the construction materials dumped on Ramachandra Road hasve been cleared now .

A Namakkal-based construction company is handling this project and like many contractors and builders, dumped materials on the road, let off waste water into the drain and even worked past given hours, causing noise pullution.

  • Report and photo: Baskar Seshadri

(( )) REPORT SERIOUS VIOLATIONS BY BUILDERS – who dump lots of materials on Mylapore streets / roads, who work past 9 pm and noise pollute the area. Mail photo/s and 5 lines on the issue –


One Comment on “Small civic win for this Luz community. Against ‘insensitive’ civil contractor”

  1. we need a strong officer in the civic admin to start a movement to clean up the mess.. and people to support and cooperate. otherwise its soon to be the dirtiest city in the country.

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