Play based on short stories of Imayam. April 27 evening. Alwarpet

A theatre performance based on Sahitya Akademi winner Imayam’s short stories in Tamil, adapted and directed by Prasanna Ramaswamy goes on the floor at Medai – the Stage on  April 27  at 7pm.
Running for 80 mins without an interval, the stories are played by some of the city’s brilliant actors – Janaki Suresh, Geetha Kailasam, Nikhila Kesavan, Prasanna Ramkumar, Sugumar, Nandhakumar, Infant, Roshan, Premkumar and Divagar Ravi.
While this show presents new stories of Imayam, one from the older edition is added to the bill, says Prasanna.
A thief in conversation with his kulasamy, asking for blessings before going for  a theft, a woman in 30s lashing out on one of the stalkers who make her life miserable, outpouring of emotions by a hurtful orderly of an IAS officer . . . . a volley of exchanges between a candidate who lost an election and a woman he bribed.
Tickets available on bookmyshow and at the venue. Contact: 9094038623
– Photo shot at an earlier performance – Prasanna felicitates Imayam on stage