Elections 2024; Mylaporeans share their voting experiences

Here are extracts from Mylaporeans on their Poll Day experience  –
<< Srividhya Srinivasan reports
At Alwarpet’s Gandhi Nilayam booth – of the two EVM machines, one  was not working for more than hour this morning. So had to remain in queue for more than an hour or so to cast our votes. Some people went back, some people got back later.
Inside the voting premises, the arrangement was good.
Seniors were given preference to vote. Wheel chair was available. The police did a good job of maintaining the queue and allowed seniors to sit in the chairs kept for police / staff.
<< Chitra Sivakumar reports
Our polling booth was in St. Mary’ s Road. We went there by 7.45 am. Not very crowded. There was no separate queue for senior citizens but the staff were courteous and helpful – if a senior citizen had disability or was standing for a long time in the queue they politely requested others to allow them to pass.
Weather being very hot the arrangements were good. As the crowd started coming in it was difficult to find a place to seat the senior citizens. Infact it would have been better if the schools had spared a few classroom benches for the seniors to sit and wait for their turn.
<< K R Jambunathan reports 
I am a voter of Mylapore for the last 55 years. Though residing in the same house i have seen 3 different booths so far . This time the arrangements are good ( at GCC school on Mundagakanni Amman Temple Rd.) We seniors were allowed to go in our two- wheeler close to the booth on seeing my wife who is slightly handicapped the staff brought a wheelchair which she politely declined. The entire complex was clean and painted.
We were surprised to see two medical personnel with basic apparatus like BP machine etc and important medicines especially powder like electrolytes which is used for dehydration.
<< V. Soundararani reports
At Luz Circle junction, alomgside the temple, there were many party cadres at tables and ubder umbreallas, guiding voters using the data they had and the slips people had.  Each party has separate help counters set up.

At the Central Chennai booth on Ambujammal Street based Srinivasa Gandhi Nilayam booth * falls under Chennai Central constituency) at the start there was a faulty EVM machine. But people waited patiently.
Some went back , to return later. Senior citizens were helped / guided by police. They could sit in chairs meant for staff.
Predominantly senior citizens were seen here. One assumed this booth handles limited voters of this area.