Elections 2024: feedback from voters at booths bet 7 and 10 am

Here is the first stream of people’s views and feedback coming in from the booths across Mylapore zone –
– Basic arrangements at booths are good. But no benches / seating for seniors / sickly.
– Some booths have volunteers/nurses with first aid/ medicines and hydration needs – the summer heat being torrid, with temp at 35 degrees by noon, sultry mornings. Appreciated by people.
– Police definitely need better briefing on how to act at booths : many courteous – they even help seniors get out of cars or allow bikes with seniors to get in campus: some rude to people who seek preference voting for seniors.
– Seniors don’t ask for privilege but many suggest they be allowed in quickly, bypassing others. Police helpful at places, create chaos at others.
– To beat the heat, many join a Q by 7/8am: less youth seen between 7 and 10 am.
Photo below at GCC Hr Sec. School, Alwarpet
– Issue of booth slips frustrated many people – online downlaoded slips/numbers don’t match the rolls at booths / slips were not guven at many small colonies.