Eco-camp held at San Thome colony. 30 kids participate. Ping here if you too want such a camp?

A solid waste management awareness programme – Save the Earth – was organised at Anthu Street, San Thome on April 6.

30 children between the age groups of 6 and 14 years attended the camp.

Tasneem Kutubuddin and Harini Eswari, project heads from Volunteer For India, organised this programme in collaboration with Tasneem Unkhawala, founder of TalkAct Productions, ably supported by SWM activists and residents of Kasturba Nagar Association (ROKA) – Janani Venkitesh and P Saranya.

Children were briefed about the hazards of non-biodegradable waste in the landfills and the importance of separating the waste at homes, along with emphasis on refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle (The 4 Rs).

Janani and Saranya explained the concepts through role-play and snappy videos. After the session, the participants were initiated as volunteers under the Eco-Warrior campaign.

To organise a similar session in your apartments, offices, school /college, or as a summer camp, contact 9841610456.