Chennai Metro; MTC ignores commuters who ask for bus shelters at new stops

The pleas and mutterings of lots of bus commuters in Mylapore zone do not seen to have affected the officials at Chennai Metro and MTC.

Months after MTC bus routes were changed to allow for Metro work and new, temporary bus stops were set up, bus stop shelters have not been erected.

And in the 36 degrees heat of April summer, commuters stand in the sun and sweat or scamperĀ  to some shady places closeby.

Take the MTC bus shelter at Alwarpet junction nearSriĀ  Anjaneyar Temple – it has been taken over by pavement flower vendors. They enjoy the shade, commuters are getting fried in the sun.

Commuters say they have complained but MTC has not responded.

  • Report, photo; Baskar Seshadri

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