Mylapore MLA in fire-fighting mode. People want serious solutions to recurring monsoon problems

For Mylapore MLA Dha Velu, it was all about fire fighting in the face of the monsoon this past week.

The DMK member was all over the place – Marina, Luz, Mylapore and Mandaveli – and he and his team was only overseeing issues that have recurred time and again.

The MLA has witnessed the mess rains create in P S Sivaswami Salai zone in the past. But  he has not been able to get the GCC or the state to seriously address this serious issue that is bound to recur in this area year after year.

So this past week, residents of this area were very disappointed when. the MLA responded late; more so after people had staged a protest on R H Road. Velu being aware of this serious issue was expected to do more, said residents.

He finally got help from the disaster mission team which brought boats, power motors and lorries and set in motion water draining.

Mylaporeans say that a local help network set up by the MLA weeks before the monsoon season would have been very useful – getting across to MLA was a challenge as lines were busy or dead as power was cut.

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6 Comments on “Mylapore MLA in fire-fighting mode. People want serious solutions to recurring monsoon problems”

  1. Useless Govt.. both AIADMK and DMK are to blame for this disaster in disaster management. Contracts are given out only for taking bribes in big measure.. what else can a common man expect?
    No conscience for these dirty politicians who will part with anything or anyone for power and money. Shameless Creatures

  2. Regular power failure in East circular road even before the cyclone which worsened after the cyclone.No power for 3.5 days and even now erratic supply of power with either all phases down or single phase not working.Sewerage in a fountain mode currently even after so many days of cyclone,roads flooded with sewerage and unable to walk.Pathetic state of affairs

  3. Only solution: Dump all the Kazhagams, especially DMK and ADMK, LOCK. STOCK, BARREL, without even leaving a single to survive, into a distant pacific or antarctic ocean with stones tied to them, including womenfolk. Then, complete Tamilnadu, and whole bharat eill improve.

  4. Mylapore MLA is nothing but money minting machine for personal purposes Hardly any work done by him other than putting party flags for useless meetings in Mylapore.

  5. After seeing rival politicians in the midst of people, this MLA woke up to see something went wrong in Mylapore. His party did not want a backlash from downtrodden – so instead of corporation food (rejected by people), chicken biriyani was given in the night by the party. Shame shame

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