The Future of Brahmins in Tamil Nadu; theme of public meeting of S. V. Shekher. On Sunday.

The Future of Brahmins in Tamil Nadu; this is the theme of a public meeting where actor-politician S. V. Shekher intends to flesh out his thoughts.

The meeting is at MFAC sabha hall, Musiri Subramaniam Road, Mylapore on Sunday, Nov.19, 6 pm onwards.

Shekher has had a uncomfortable ride in the BJP which he joined some years ago; the party has sidelined him though he often highlights his association with prime minister Narendra Modi.

He flirted with the DMK and AIADMK and was MLA of Mylapore constituency in the city.

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5 Comments on “The Future of Brahmins in Tamil Nadu; theme of public meeting of S. V. Shekher. On Sunday.”

  1. The Brahmins in UP, MP and Maharashtra are respected and our Prime Minister attaches great respect to Brahmins in Government bureaucracy, judiciary and higher education. There are more than 20 brahmins in Prime Ministers Office and even when he was CM Gujarat, most if his Secretaries were from South. The only problem is we are not united and remain as arm chair critic. I have been tellling all my brahmin friends to botcott The Hindu as it has become anti Hindu and spreads falsehood. Well, we may be 2-3,% of voters but this small chunk can play a vital role in deciding the Govt if all Brahmins turns up for voting. The need of the hour is Unity and cooperation.

  2. Don’t see any big problem with peace loving capable Bhrahmins. Worried about பட்டின மக்கள் who have been continually discriminated, duped, dumped by these Dravidian Model Cabal who are experts in cheating, looting and eating our resources. These guys are so clever in gaslighting our ordinary folks into their great சமூக நீதி saviours.

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