Senior citizens living in Marina colonies have some fun. Dignity Foundation was the host

Mullima Nagar is one of the many colonies that lies off the Marina in the San Thome zone.

Here, Dignity Foundation, which works with senior citizens, runs a project for seniors of this area, mostly hailing from the middle and low-economic strata of the community.

To mark International Elders Day, 80-plus members of this community participated in a programme that Dignity organised at its premises here.

There were some music and dance presentations by the seniors.

All the women were gifted sarees and the men got dhotis and towels – given by Raghuveni Charitable Trust which is run by T. C. Ragupathi.

Special gifts were offered by Jaya Doss to those who provided the entertainment. Kanchana Chandrasekhar  sponsored cakes for the seniors.

Ragupathi is from Anna Nagar while Jayadoss and Kanchana are from Mylapore.

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