All Souls Day: two local cemeteries cleaned for prayer and religious services

Two burial grounds in the Mylapore zone are being cleaned up for the annual All Souls Day services that will be held here. They are the Quibble Island Cemetery in R. A. Puram and the Chennai Corporation Cemetery on St. Mary’s Road, Mandaveli

All Souls Day, which falls on November 2, is a day when Christians remember and pray for all those who have passed away in their families. Many visit the graves and pray here.

At Quibble, on November 2, archbishop Rev. George Antonysamy will celebrate Holy Mass on this campus at about 4.45 p.m. and then bless all the graves here, said Fr. Arulraj, parish priest at St. Thomas Cathedral, which manages the cemetery.

People can visit the cemetery from 7 a.m. onwards.

Similarly, religious services will be held at the Corporation cemetery on St. Mary’s Road and the graves will be blessed.

This cemetery has now been cleaned up by the staff of Chennai Corporation.
Fr. Y. F. Bosco, parish priest of Our Lady of Guidance Church said that there will be Holy Mass at 4 p.m. at the cemetery after which priests will bless the graves.
The cemetery will be kept open on November 1 from 8 am to 6 pm and on Nov. 2 from 8 am to 8 pm.
There will be two Holy Masses on All Souls Day at Our Lady of Guidance Church. One at 6 am and the other at 7 am.
  • Additional reportage by Juliana Sridhar
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