Tent Kottai series of Humour Club: Revathi Sankaran anchored show on M. K. Thyagaraja Bhagavathar.

The Tent Kottai series event has been curated by artiste Revathi Sankaran – she chooses to focus on one popular artiste of Thamizh cinema of the 1950s / 60s, talks about them and screens film sequences starring the popular star.

Humour Club presents this series. And on Sunday evening ( Sept.10) at the TAG-MFAC sabha hall, Revathi anchored the show with the focus on superstar, M. K. Thyagaraja Bhagavathar.

Revathi shared anecdotes and snippets on the star and on his films. For seniors who grew on this cinema and were at the sabha hall, this show was just what they wanted on a Sunday evening.

Humour Club contact – 9841161196

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