All India Radio music fest at The Music Academy is on now. Top artistes perform.

All India Radio, Chennai launched a special classical music concerts festival on Monday ( July 24) to mark the ongoing G20 Summit.

T G Murugavel’s nagaswaram concert and Prof. T V Gopalakrishnan’s vocal concert on Monday opened this festival at The Music Academy.

Two concerts are being held daily up to July 28. Open to all.

Among the artistes on stage are vidwan Umayalpuram K Sivaraman on July 25 ( presenting a percussion concert), the Malladi Bothers in oneĀ  concert and violinist A Kanyakumari in the next, both on July 26 and flutist S Shashank and sarod artiste Tejendra Majumdar on July 28.

Below is the schedule –


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