Popular play of R. S. Manohar, ‘Maalikafoor’ to be staged on June 28

To commemorate the 99th  birth anniversary of celebrated theatre artiste  R. S. Manohar, who used to reside in Alwarpet, the drama troupe that sustains his art and vision is staging a play Manohar which was very popular in the 1960s.
The play is titled ‘Maalikafoor; it is written By Madurai Thirumaran and now directed by S. Sruuthi & S. Shivpprasadh, the latter enacts the titular role of Maalikafoor.
Maalikafoor was initially staged in 1965 and it was R.S.Manohar’s blockbuster drama – he had over 400 shows of this play, a note from the troupe said.
This show is on June 28, 6.30 p.m. at R R Sabha, Mylapore, in association with Kartik Fine Arts.
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