Mandaveli mosque hosts Open House today: enables people from all faiths to appreciate Islam

The community of the Eidgah Masjid in Mandaveli has organised an Open House at the mosque today, June 4.

This event is to invite people from all faiths to gather at the mosque campus and get to know the mosque, the Muslim faith and the community better.

Secretary Imtiaz said that man y people want to visit a mosque but step back and others want to know about the prayers and worship but do not get the right answers.

He also says such meets ( this is the second such ) bring about fellowship and understanding.

The meet starts at 11 am and ends by 1 pm. Open to all. Lunch will be served.

Contact Imtiaz at 98410 72722.

This mosque is at the east end of St Mary’s Road, near Devanathan Street junction.

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