Gandhi Peace Foundation at Alwarpet hosts prominent social activist P. V. Rajagopal

Gandhi Peace Foundation at Alwarpet is organising a function at 2.30 pm on Saturday, July 1, to felicitate Mr. P. V. Rajagopal, for getting the prestigious Niwano Peace Award from a Japan-based organisation.

The venue of this event is Srinivasa Gandhi Nilayam, 332, Ambujammal Street, Alwarpet.

Rajagopal is the president of Ekta Parishad, a grass-root national level organisation, working for the oppressed people. He is also addressing the problems of climate change and its impact on the lives of the people, especially the marginalised people.

For further details call Dr. S. Kulandaisamy,  8939215045.

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