Saint Thomas milestone: Cathedral community to host mass wedding to mark the occasion in June

The community at St Thomas Cathedral in San Thome is focussed on a grand event to mark a milestone – celebrate the 1950th year of the martyrdom of saint Thomas.

On June 18, the community hopes to arrange for a mass wedding – where at least 100 couples from various city Catholic churches will be united in marriage and then partake of a simple wedding feast on this church campus.

Fr A. Arulraj, parish priest of the cathedral says his congregation is doing its best to raise funds for this special event which will be presided over by the archbishop.

“Special prayers to mark the milestone of the saint, the patron of India, will also be said in June,” said the priest. “We are choosing couples hailing from economically poor background for this occasion.”

The priest says a gold thali, kitchenware and clothes valued at Rs.25,000 will be given to each couple. If the team falls short in funds, then it may settle for 60 plus couples for the occasion.

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