Holiday tragedy of Mandaveli family: community campaign has raised funds to support survivors

A community effort that was launched to raise financial support for the Mandaveli family that lost its head and his daughter at Yercaud has been successful.

Sundaralakshmi (aged 41) lost her husband ( Balamurali – 43 years) and her school-going daughter ( Sowmya – 13 years) in a terrible tragedy at Yercaud falls. Both of them slipped from a rock and sustained fatal head injuries.

A note circulated online to raise funds states that ‘Balamurali was the only child to his aged parents and also the only earning member of his family. Sundaralakshmi has a three-year old daughter (Sai Shwetha). ‘

This fundraiser was launched to support the family who have lost two loved ones.  This effort was promoted by Vanisir Raghupathi on the Milaap platform.
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2 Comments on “Holiday tragedy of Mandaveli family: community campaign has raised funds to support survivors”

  1. Regarding Article – “Holiday tragedy of Mandaveli family: community campaign has raised funds to support survivors” – I couldn’t find the campaign on milaap, could you please share the milaap fundraiser link , I would like to help this family as I know them from their past residency and deeply saddened by the news.
    I would really appreciate if your team could mail me back the milaap fundraiser link ,so I can do a small contribution from my end.
    Thank you.

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