Fancy fete at R. A. Puram church this weekend

A fancy fete will be held at Our Lady of Guidance Church, R. A. Puram on April 29 and 30. It will begin on Saturday at 6 pm and go on till 9 pm and on Sunday from 8 am to 10 pm.

It is being organised by the church community core team comprising Paulraj, Joseph, Amalraj and Guidance Friends under the guidance of  parish priest Fr. Y.F. Bosco.
There will be 60-odd stalls put up on the parish campus – with games, jumble sales, food court and entertainment for children.
Fr. Bosco said that the proceeds of this mela will be used for renovation work in the church and other parish needs.
Entry fee is Rs 10.  All are welcome.
– By Juliana Sridhar
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