Big attendance at opening of Kodai Nataka Vizha. Plays held every evening.

On the first evening of Kodai Nataka Vizha of Kartik Fine Arts on Saturday, the large auditorium of Narada Gana Sabha in Alwarpet was 75% full for the first drama.

Sathya Sai Creations presented  ‘Budget Maaplae’ and for the 90 odd minutes, the audience had some laughs and giggles, applauded the clever dialogues and went along with the act which centres on a man who always makes a budget for daily life and suddenly has to endure a series of aches and shocks when he brings home by mistake a bag full of currency notes which his family laps up in the situation it is in.

This drama fest, a popular annual event of the sabha is a nice breather for rasikas of the Mylapore neighbourhood.

For ten evenings, when the city is still sweating from the 36 degrees heat, they can relax inside an air-conditioned hall, enjoy a string of Tamil plays and as they sit through them, some seniors unwrap a pack of biscuits or some groundnuts to munch, making the season their own.

Note: the Nataka hosts say that snacking inside this auditorium is not allowed.

Here is the schedule of plays.

<< IF YOU are attending the Nataka Vizha, share your experience here!


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