Walkers at park leave their impressions on fabric. Stella Maris fine art students create installation.

When Meenakshi Madan, teacher at the Fine Arts and Design department at Stella Maris College was invited to create a simple art installation at the annual Art Fest held last Sunday, she was enthusiastic.

She designed a concept note, shared it with her students’ group, got okays from five students to volunteer and the team was armed with fabric, natural pigments and some art materials.

The students, who attend the 3rd year of the BVA Fine Arts course, were Bibiana Christy, Monica Jency
Marylin Keerthana, Neharika S and Rina Marian. ( photo below)

They arrived at the venue – Nageswara Rao Park in Luz – 30 minutes after the first set of artists, some 80 plus, had put up their art works on display and tentatively rolled out the fabric, mixed the pigments and gently asked walkers to wet their soles and walk on the fabric.

The brief given to the team was to marry the physical walking that happens year round at the park by many hundred people and art.

Over the next hour, many walkers chose to leave their impressions, some added their signatures and one woman asked a student to pen her thoughts – that we must not lose sight of traditions.

Art Fest organisers intend to stretch this fabric near Chess Square soon. As a celebration of the activity that dominates life in this park.

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