Residents of Aashiana apartments make seedballs. A community initiative by Bhumi, for residents of 600018

The residents of Aashiana apartments, a community in Alwarpet, spent one recent Sunday morning by volunteering to spread the ‘green’ message in their community. 

Children with their parents, grandparents, siblings and friends joined a ‘seed-ball making’ activity organised by Namma18, a community volunteering initiative by Bhumi.

In this family volunteering activity, 100 seedballs were made and dried.

The children in this apartment will be throwing these seed balls inside their school campuses, nearby parks and in their grandparents’ houses, says a note from Bhumi.

Namma18 is a hyper-local volunteering initiative by Bhumi. The goal is to increase volunteering by residents who reside in the Chennai 600018 postal zone, for a ‘better community’, says Dr. K. K. Prahalathan, co-founder of this NGO.

Bhumi is one of India’s largest volunteer organisations. To join this initiative, go to



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