MLA goes on a field tour. To explore food hawking zone idea, restore Infinity Park and develop playground off Marina

Mylapore MLA Dha Velu has had a busy morning. Following up on some nascent projects that are on the planning table and civic utilities that need attention.

First, Velu went down to the road in Mandavelipakkam, the area behind the campus of St. Anthonys Girls Hr. Sec. School, off East Circular Road. Here, there is a plan to set up a Food Hawkers’ Street. ( photo below)

Food Zones are an idea that Chennai Corporation and CMDA are presently discussing. But details of these plans of what are civic projects that impact on the lives of neighbourhoods are not shared with citizens yet for debate and discussion.

Velu has promised to share more details on the proposal here.

The MLA’s next stop was a GCC facility that needs urgent attention.

Infinity Park, located off San Thome High Road; a park meant for children with and without disabilities. This park is in a sorry stage four-plus years after it was launched as a unique facility.

The MLA was briefed on the park’s condition.

Velu told Mylapore Times that he also intends to head to Marina Loop Road to look at the sprawling and abandoned playground here which is now a dump yard.

He says he intends to fund the restoration of this playground, with lighting, rest rooms and basic facilities, to respond to scores of youths of this area who seek play spaces in this zone.

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